Teacher's Edition

The Teacher's Edition is the primary resource for teachers in every EEI unit. They are formatted and structured the same so that you know what to expect no matter which unit you are teaching. The Teacher's Edition (TE) of each EEI Curriculum unit provides in-depth resources to help you plan ahead, prepare for, and teach EEI Curriculum units. Resources for your preparation include an Overview of the EEI unit, a California-related reading for your students, specific subject matter Background for the teacher, a Unit Planner, Extension Ideas, and Assessments with answers.

The Teacher's Edition also contains your unit lessons. Most EEI Curriculum units include 4-6 lessons. Each lesson has a consistent format that includes resources to guide your planning, teaching, and assessing student learning. Detailed information about the lessons is available under the "Using My Curriculum" tab. View Individual Lessons.

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